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While many ‘all-in-one’ remote collaboration programs end up being high risk for failure, hard to understand and plain time-consuming,
we developed an astonishing innovative mixed reality solution that is already user tested and adapted to be most user friendly. Our intuitively easy-to-use product enables location-independent collaborations, so you won’t even realize you are not all in the same room.

Use Cases




The Technology

You don´t have the possibility to maintain your technical equipment and assist employees with repairs?
remAid is the solution for you. Connect with your engineers and customers worldwide from anywhere in the world virtually.
With Sleeve.XR Mobile Assist you can get additional information virtually in addition to your products or display hidden objects in addition to the real object.
Let us introduce you to our virtual Assist “Eeve”! Eeve is your customized virtual assistant enabling a different and truly innovative training experience. Tell us more about your area of application and together we make Eeve your training expert.
Digital twins are the virtual realization of a physical building or system. The task is, for example, to understand, predict and optimise the performance of a plant or a process.

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Sleeve.XR – Transforming

We are a team of programmers, software developers, 3D artists and AR/VR experts. Currently we are still a small team of about 25 employees. We develop our own software “Sleeve.XR” with, which seemingly unlimited possibilities can be realised in virtual and augmented reality.

The focus of Sleeve.XR are the industry, the medical sector, the health & rescue service and also the end user. We develop remote applications for training environments, virtual working instructions and repair information.